Hand Printed Cards Now available

My new series of gift cards are now available from the Butter Factory Studios. I have taken my local natural environment as inspiration, particularly the reflections that I admire daily across the Wilson Inlet and the Denmark River.

True to my signature style, I’m representing stylised local flora and fauna, with a brand new development - my little winged visitor - the delightful Blue Wren. Emblematic of Denmark WA – a range of simple, funky linoblock prints – a great souvenir for the intrepid traveller or ideal for locals to pick up a stylish little card and wack it in a nice frame for keepsake!

New Work - Melbourne 2014

Whilst in  Melbourne, I had a productive time in my studio at the Jewish Museum, hand printing 'white on white' lino block prints on Japanese rice paper scrolls as well as private commissions for a Blessing for the Home, a pomegranate ketubah and an anniversary gift of love 'Ahava' that was inspired by my digital art prints...I also managed to do a series of work at the Baldessin Press in St Andrews to send back home to Denmark for an exhibition at the Butter Factory Studios, Lightscape...

Blossoming in NY

The Australian Botanical Aleph-Bet (Hebrew alphabet) is my latest surge in creativity - a year in development, this series of lino-block prints explores the parallels between the mystic Hebrew letters and the Australian Bush Flower Essences - each image depicts a specific healing quality, reflecting the corresponding letter and the matching flower. One series has been printed on hand-dyed paper using materials from the native bush around the south west of Western Australia, the other series is simply striking in black and white. It is my hope that these images can be used to inspire meditation, contemplation and healing.

Please contact me for prices.

East West: An Exhibition of My Recent Artworks

These photos are from my recent exhibition at the Butter Factory Studios in Denmark, Western Australia. Last year, for those of you who have not been following my bIog, I took the ‘plunge’ and dived into the great unknown, a journey that took me to the crossroads of ancient civilisations in Turkey and Israel and on to the contemporaneous convergence of cultural diversity in New York.

What I found was a treasure, a gem – and not the gold and riches kind! My pilgrimage unearthed my ‘segulah’- the wealth stored in my own levels of being, a force within…I spent time in Tsfat, Israel – the centre of Jewish Mysticism and immersed myself in a week-long retreat in Jewish Spirituality in Connecticut. I printed in studio workshops both in Israel and New York, attending printmaking workshops discovering new printing techniques in solar plate etching.

The artwork that ensued is deeply entrenched in Jewish mysticism, the fundamental structures of sacred geometry and eastern ornament. In my work, I have been exploring the subtle and the sublime through veils of colour and varying the order of my printing plates. The layered effect has become somewhat of a ‘signature style’ – exploring the notion of palimpsest and the build up and erasing of meanings.

The underlying and ‘silent’ essence in all the work is both a conscious and subconscious relationship with mystic sources…embodying the entire process – from the seeds of creation (Bereishit) to the process, and the outcome. The journey has brought me to a place where I am and feel a sense of Oneness. This work is a celebration of my journey and the path toward the unification of self.

I would like to express deep gratitude to my friends at the Butter Factory Studios, who have been so generous and encouraging along every step of the way (pre and post travels). I would also like to acknowledge all the people with whom I have crossed paths with on my recent pilgrimage - friends, family, fellow artists, teachers and mentors - it is your guidance, wisdom, and creativity that has touched me deeply and inspired me to create this work - like water to a plant in desert.

To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.

To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.

To journey and be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim.

Mark Nepo

Prints from the Jerusalem Print Workshop

The three of these are lino block prints. The red print spells the Hebrew word 'Bereishit', meaning 'In the beginning' - this is also the 1st word of Genesis. The 2nd print (the black and white in the centre) is a square pattern formed from a grid that appears to be a re-occurring theme in my journey. the third print (red, black and white) is a combination of both the lino blocks - with the red 'Bereishit' printed over the black dots. Another recurring theme in my work is playing with the hidden and the revealed - that which is obvious, literal and 'readable' and that which invites curiosity, mystery and an element of inquiry.